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Definition of 'Overtrading'

Overtrading is the act of trading too frequently or with too large a volume of money. It can be a dangerous practice, as it can lead to losses that are greater than what you can afford to lose.

There are a few reasons why people overtrade. Some people do it because they are trying to make a quick buck. They see other people making money in the market and they want to get in on the action. They may not have a long-term investment strategy, and they may not be fully aware of the risks involved in trading.

Other people overtrade because they are trying to control their emotions. They may feel anxious or stressed about their finances, and they think that trading will help them to feel better. However, trading can actually make these feelings worse, as it can lead to more losses and more stress.

If you are concerned that you may be overtrading, there are a few things you can do to help yourself. First, you need to make sure that you have a long-term investment strategy. This will help you to stay focused on your goals and to avoid making impulsive trades. Second, you need to be aware of your emotions and how they can affect your trading decisions. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, it is best to take a break from trading. Finally, you need to set limits on yourself. This means deciding how much money you are willing to risk on each trade and how often you are willing to trade.

Overtrading can be a dangerous practice, but it is one that can be avoided. By following these tips, you can help yourself to trade more responsibly and to avoid making costly mistakes.

In addition to the risks mentioned above, overtrading can also lead to a number of other problems. For example, overtrading can:

* Increase your trading costs.
* Make it more difficult to track your progress.
* Make it more difficult to stay disciplined.
* Increase your stress levels.
* Lead to emotional trading.
* Make it more difficult to make sound investment decisions.

If you are concerned that you may be overtrading, it is important to take steps to address the problem. By following the tips in this article, you can help yourself to trade more responsibly and to avoid the risks associated with overtrading.

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