Paper Money

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Definition of 'Paper Money'

Paper money is a type of currency that is made of paper and is not backed by a physical commodity such as gold or silver. It is issued by a government or central bank and is used as a medium of exchange. Paper money is often used in conjunction with coins, which are also a form of currency.

Paper money was first introduced in China in the 7th century AD. It was made of silk and was used as a substitute for coins, which were often in short supply. In the 11th century, paper money was introduced to Europe by the Arabs. It was not widely used in Europe until the 17th century, when it was introduced by the Bank of England.

Today, paper money is used in most countries around the world. It is issued by central banks and is backed by the government. Paper money is a convenient form of currency because it is easy to carry and use. It is also more durable than coins, which can be easily damaged.

However, paper money also has some disadvantages. It is more susceptible to counterfeiting than coins. It can also be destroyed by fire or water. In addition, paper money is not as valuable as gold or silver, which can be used as a store of value.

Despite these disadvantages, paper money remains the most common form of currency in the world. It is a convenient and easy-to-use form of payment that is accepted in most countries.

Here are some additional details about paper money:

* Paper money is typically printed on a special type of paper that is difficult to counterfeit.
* Paper money is often issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 units.
* Paper money is often used in conjunction with coins, which are also a form of currency.
* Paper money is a convenient form of currency because it is easy to carry and use.
* Paper money is also more durable than coins, which can be easily damaged.
* Paper money is not as valuable as gold or silver, which can be used as a store of value.
* Paper money is more susceptible to counterfeiting than coins.
* Paper money can be destroyed by fire or water.
* Paper money is the most common form of currency in the world.

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