Pareto Efficiency

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Definition of 'Pareto Efficiency'

Pareto efficiency is a concept in economics that describes a situation in which no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off. In other words, it is the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

Pareto efficiency is often used to evaluate economic policies and decisions. For example, a government might consider a policy that would increase the incomes of some people but decrease the incomes of others. If the policy makes the total amount of income in the economy increase, then it would be considered Pareto efficient. However, if the policy makes the total amount of income in the economy decrease, then it would not be considered Pareto efficient.

Pareto efficiency is a useful concept for understanding the economic effects of different policies and decisions. However, it is important to note that Pareto efficiency does not always lead to the best possible outcome for everyone involved. In some cases, it may be possible to make everyone better off by making some sacrifices.

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