Porter's 5 Forces

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Definition of 'Porter's 5 Forces'

Porter's Five Forces is a business model framework that helps companies understand and analyze the competitive forces that shape their industry and determine profitability. The five forces are:

* **Rivalry among existing competitors:** The intensity of competition among existing firms in the industry. This is determined by factors such as the number of competitors, the similarity of their products or services, and the ease with which new firms can enter the market.
* **Bargaining power of buyers:** The power of buyers to negotiate lower prices or better terms from sellers. This is determined by factors such as the number of buyers, the size of their purchases, and the availability of substitute products or services.
* **Bargaining power of suppliers:** The power of suppliers to charge higher prices or lower quality products or services to sellers. This is determined by factors such as the number of suppliers, the importance of their products or services to the sellers, and the availability of substitute suppliers.
* **Threat of new entrants:** The threat of new firms entering the market and competing with existing firms. This is determined by factors such as the barriers to entry, the size of the market, and the growth rate of the market.
* **Threat of substitute products or services:** The threat of substitute products or services that can replace the products or services of the industry. This is determined by factors such as the availability of substitute products or services, the price of substitute products or services, and the perceived quality of substitute products or services.

Porter's Five Forces can be used to analyze any industry, and it can help companies understand the competitive landscape and make strategic decisions about how to compete. For example, a company that is facing intense competition from its rivals may need to focus on differentiating its products or services, or it may need to find ways to lower its costs. A company that is facing a powerful buyer may need to find ways to increase its bargaining power, or it may need to find ways to reduce its costs.

Porter's Five Forces is a valuable tool for any company that wants to understand its competitive environment and make strategic decisions about how to compete.

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