Portfolio Turnover

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Definition of 'Portfolio Turnover'

Portfolio turnover is a measure of how often the stocks in a portfolio are bought and sold. It is calculated by dividing the total value of all trades in a portfolio by the average value of the portfolio over a period of time.

Portfolio turnover can be expressed as a percentage or as a number of times per year. A high portfolio turnover rate indicates that the portfolio is being actively managed, while a low portfolio turnover rate indicates that the portfolio is being passively managed.

There are a number of factors that can affect portfolio turnover, including the investment strategy of the portfolio manager, the volatility of the market, and the tax implications of trading.

Investors should consider the portfolio turnover rate of a fund before investing in it. A high portfolio turnover rate can lead to higher trading costs and taxes, and it may also indicate that the fund is being actively managed in a way that is not aligned with the investor's goals.

In general, a portfolio turnover rate of 20% or less is considered to be low, while a portfolio turnover rate of 50% or more is considered to be high. However, the appropriate portfolio turnover rate for a particular investor will depend on their individual circumstances and goals.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about portfolio turnover:

* Portfolio turnover can be affected by the size of the portfolio. A larger portfolio is more likely to have a higher portfolio turnover rate, simply because there are more stocks to trade.
* Portfolio turnover can also be affected by the type of investments in the portfolio. A portfolio that is invested in stocks is more likely to have a higher portfolio turnover rate than a portfolio that is invested in bonds.
* Portfolio turnover can be affected by the market environment. A volatile market is more likely to lead to a higher portfolio turnover rate, as investors may be more likely to sell their stocks when the market is down.

Portfolio turnover is a valuable tool for investors to use when evaluating a fund. By understanding the portfolio turnover rate of a fund, investors can get a better idea of how the fund is being managed and whether it is a good fit for their investment goals.

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