Position Trader

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Definition of 'Position Trader'

A position trader is an individual or institution that holds a position in a financial instrument for an extended period of time. This is in contrast to a day trader, who typically opens and closes positions within the same day. Position traders typically use technical analysis to identify trends and make trading decisions, while day traders may use a variety of strategies, including fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and momentum trading.

Position traders can be either long or short. A long position is when an investor buys a security and expects its price to rise. A short position is when an investor sells a security and expects its price to fall. Position traders can also use options to speculate on the direction of a security's price.

Position trading can be a profitable strategy, but it also carries a high degree of risk. Position traders must be able to withstand large swings in the value of their positions and be patient enough to wait for their trades to pay off.

There are a number of factors that position traders should consider before entering a trade. These include the size of the position, the amount of risk involved, and the time horizon for the trade. Position traders should also have a clear exit strategy in place before they enter a trade.

Position trading can be a complex and challenging strategy, but it can also be a very rewarding one. If you are considering position trading, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved before you start.

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