Poverty Trap

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Definition of 'Poverty Trap'

A poverty trap is a situation in which a person or household is unable to escape poverty due to a combination of factors, including low income, lack of education and skills, and poor access to opportunities. Poverty traps can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

* **Low income:** People who live in poverty often have low incomes, which makes it difficult to save money or invest in their education or skills. This can make it difficult to escape poverty in the long term.
* **Lack of education and skills:** People who lack education and skills are often unable to find good jobs that pay a living wage. This can make it difficult to escape poverty and build wealth.
* **Poor access to opportunities:** People who live in poverty often have poor access to opportunities, such as good schools, jobs, and healthcare. This can make it difficult to improve their lives and escape poverty.

Poverty traps can have a devastating impact on individuals and families. People who are trapped in poverty often experience a variety of negative consequences, including:

* **Chronic stress:** Poverty can lead to chronic stress, which can have a negative impact on physical and mental health.
* **Poor health:** People who live in poverty often have poor health, which can make it difficult to work and earn a living.
* **Low educational attainment:** Children who grow up in poverty often have low educational attainment, which can make it difficult to find good jobs and escape poverty.
* **High rates of crime:** Poverty can lead to high rates of crime, which can make it dangerous to live in poor communities.

Poverty traps are a serious problem that need to be addressed. There are a number of things that can be done to help people escape poverty, including:

* **Improving education:** One of the best ways to help people escape poverty is to improve their education. This can be done by providing more access to high-quality schools, as well as financial assistance for college and other post-secondary education.
* **Creating jobs:** Another important step is to create more jobs that pay a living wage. This can be done by investing in job training programs, as well as providing tax incentives for businesses that create jobs in low-income communities.
* **Improving access to opportunities:** People who live in poverty often have poor access to opportunities, such as good schools, jobs, and healthcare. This can be improved by investing in infrastructure, as well as providing more affordable housing and transportation.

Poverty traps are a complex problem, but there are a number of things that can be done to help people escape poverty. By working together, we can create a more just and equitable society for everyone.

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