Property Tax Deduction

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Definition of 'Property Tax Deduction'

A property tax deduction is an amount of money that can be subtracted from your taxable income when you file your taxes. This deduction can help you lower your tax bill, and it can be especially helpful if you own a home.

There are a few different ways to claim the property tax deduction. One way is to itemize your deductions. This means that you list all of your eligible deductions on Schedule A of your Form 1040. If you itemize your deductions, you can claim the amount of property taxes that you paid during the year.

Another way to claim the property tax deduction is to claim the standard deduction. The standard deduction is a set amount that you can claim regardless of your actual expenses. If you claim the standard deduction, you cannot claim the property tax deduction.

The amount of property tax that you can deduct depends on your filing status. For single filers, the maximum amount of property tax that you can deduct is $10,000. For married couples filing jointly, the maximum amount of property tax that you can deduct is $20,000.

If you have any questions about the property tax deduction, you should consult with a tax professional.

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