Qualified Retirement Plan

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Definition of 'Qualified Retirement Plan'

A qualified retirement plan is a retirement plan that meets certain requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). These requirements are designed to ensure that the plan is providing retirement benefits for employees and that the plan is financially sound.

There are two main types of qualified retirement plans: defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans.

* **Defined benefit plans** promise to pay a certain amount of money to employees upon retirement. The amount of money that is paid is based on a formula that takes into account factors such as the employee's salary, years of service, and age.
* **Defined contribution plans** require employers to make contributions to a plan on behalf of employees. The amount of the contribution is usually based on a percentage of the employee's salary. Employees may also make contributions to the plan, if the plan allows. The money in the plan is invested, and the employee's retirement benefits are based on the amount of money that is accumulated in the plan.

Qualified retirement plans offer a number of advantages to employers and employees. These plans can help employers attract and retain employees, and they can provide employees with a secure retirement income.

For employers, qualified retirement plans can offer a number of tax advantages. Contributions to the plan are tax-deductible, and the earnings on the plan are tax-deferred until the money is withdrawn. This can help employers save money on taxes.

For employees, qualified retirement plans can provide a number of benefits. The money in the plan is invested, and the employee's retirement benefits are based on the amount of money that is accumulated in the plan. This can help employees save for retirement and reach their retirement goals.

There are a number of requirements that must be met in order for a plan to be considered a qualified retirement plan. These requirements include:

* The plan must be established and maintained by an employer.
* The plan must be for the exclusive benefit of employees or their beneficiaries.
* The plan must provide benefits that are nonforfeitable.
* The plan must meet certain minimum funding requirements.

If a plan does not meet all of the requirements for a qualified retirement plan, it may be considered a nonqualified plan. Nonqualified plans do not offer the same tax advantages as qualified plans, and they may be subject to more stringent regulations.

Qualified retirement plans are an important part of many employees' retirement plans. These plans can help employees save for retirement and reach their retirement goals.

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