Quantity Demanded

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Definition of 'Quantity Demanded'

The quantity demanded is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. It is a function of the price of the good or service, the income of consumers, the prices of related goods and services, and the expectations of consumers about future prices.

The law of demand states that the quantity demanded of a good or service decreases as the price of the good or service increases. This is because as the price of a good or service increases, consumers have less money to spend on other goods and services, so they must choose to buy less of the good or service that has increased in price.

The quantity demanded of a good or service is also affected by the income of consumers. As the income of consumers increases, they are able to purchase more goods and services, so the quantity demanded of most goods and services increases. However, for some goods and services, the quantity demanded may decrease as the income of consumers increases. This is because as consumers' incomes increase, they may switch to buying more expensive goods and services, which may cause the quantity demanded of less expensive goods and services to decrease.

The quantity demanded of a good or service is also affected by the prices of related goods and services. If the price of a related good or service decreases, the quantity demanded of the good or service in question may increase. This is because consumers may substitute the good or service in question for the related good or service that has decreased in price. Conversely, if the price of a related good or service increases, the quantity demanded of the good or service in question may decrease. This is because consumers may switch to buying the good or service in question instead of the related good or service that has increased in price.

Finally, the quantity demanded of a good or service is also affected by the expectations of consumers about future prices. If consumers expect the price of a good or service to increase in the future, they may purchase more of the good or service now in order to avoid paying a higher price in the future. Conversely, if consumers expect the price of a good or service to decrease in the future, they may delay purchasing the good or service until the price decreases.

The quantity demanded is an important concept in economics because it is used to determine the equilibrium price of a good or service. The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded of a good or service is equal to the quantity supplied.

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