Quid Pro Quo Contribution

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Definition of 'Quid Pro Quo Contribution'

A quid pro quo contribution is a contribution to a political campaign that is made in exchange for something of value. The thing of value can be anything from a job offer to a government contract. Quid pro quo contributions are illegal under federal law, and can result in criminal prosecution and civil penalties.

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to quid pro quo contributions. First, the contribution must be made in exchange for something of value. This means that the contribution must be made with the expectation that the donor will receive something in return. Second, the thing of value must be something that the donor would not otherwise receive. This means that the thing of value cannot be something that the donor is already entitled to.

Third, the contribution must be made directly to the candidate or the candidate's campaign. It cannot be made to a third party, such as a political action committee (PAC). Fourth, the contribution must be made in the name of the donor. It cannot be made in the name of someone else.

If you are considering making a contribution to a political campaign, it is important to be aware of the rules governing quid pro quo contributions. By understanding these rules, you can help to ensure that your contribution is legal and ethical.

Here are some additional examples of quid pro quo contributions:

* A donor gives $10,000 to a candidate's campaign in exchange for a promise that the candidate will vote for a specific piece of legislation.
* A donor gives $5,000 to a candidate's campaign in exchange for a job offer in the candidate's administration.
* A donor gives $1,000 to a candidate's campaign in exchange for a government contract.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that quid pro quo contributions can be made. It is important to remember that any contribution that is made in exchange for something of value is considered to be a quid pro quo contribution.

If you are ever unsure whether a contribution is legal, it is best to err on the side of caution and not make the contribution. By doing so, you can help to protect yourself from potential legal problems.

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