Raw Materials

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Definition of 'Raw Materials'

Raw materials are the basic materials that are used to produce finished goods. They are the inputs to the production process, and they are typically unprocessed or minimally processed. Raw materials can be either natural resources, such as minerals, metals, and agricultural products, or manufactured products, such as chemicals and plastics.

Raw materials are an important part of the economy, as they are used to produce a wide variety of goods and services. The demand for raw materials is driven by the demand for finished goods. When the demand for finished goods increases, the demand for raw materials also increases. This can lead to higher prices for raw materials, which can in turn affect the cost of production and the price of finished goods.

The supply of raw materials is also important, as it can affect the price of raw materials. When the supply of raw materials is limited, the price of raw materials can increase. This can make it more difficult for businesses to produce finished goods, and it can lead to higher prices for finished goods.

Raw materials are an important part of the economy, and they play a key role in the production of finished goods. The demand for raw materials is driven by the demand for finished goods, and the supply of raw materials is important in determining the price of raw materials.

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