Recessionary Gap

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Definition of 'Recessionary Gap'

The recessionary gap is the difference between the actual output of an economy and its potential output. It is a measure of the economic slack in an economy. The recessionary gap is calculated as the difference between the actual level of real GDP and the potential level of real GDP.

The potential level of real GDP is the level of real GDP that the economy would produce if all resources were fully employed. The actual level of real GDP is the level of real GDP that the economy is actually producing.

The recessionary gap can be positive or negative. A positive recessionary gap indicates that the economy is producing less than its potential output. A negative recessionary gap indicates that the economy is producing more than its potential output.

The recessionary gap is an important indicator of the state of the economy. A positive recessionary gap indicates that the economy is in a recession. A negative recessionary gap indicates that the economy is expanding.

The recessionary gap can be caused by a number of factors, including:

* A decline in aggregate demand
* A decline in aggregate supply
* A rise in the price level

The recessionary gap can have a number of negative consequences for the economy, including:

* Higher unemployment
* Lower output
* Lower incomes
* Lower economic growth

The recessionary gap can be reduced by a number of policies, including:

* Fiscal policy
* Monetary policy
* Supply-side policies

Fiscal policy can be used to reduce the recessionary gap by increasing government spending or reducing taxes. Monetary policy can be used to reduce the recessionary gap by lowering interest rates. Supply-side policies can be used to reduce the recessionary gap by increasing the productivity of the economy.

The recessionary gap is an important concept in macroeconomics. It is a measure of the economic slack in an economy and can be used to assess the state of the economy and to formulate policies to improve economic performance.

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