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Definition of 'Restructuring'

Restructuring is the process of reorganizing a company's finances, operations, or structure. It can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or comply with new regulations.

There are many different types of restructurings, each with its own unique goals and challenges. Some of the most common types include:

* **Financial restructuring:** This type of restructuring focuses on improving a company's financial health by reducing debt, cutting costs, or raising capital.
* **Operational restructuring:** This type of restructuring focuses on improving a company's operations by streamlining processes, reducing waste, or improving efficiency.
* **Structural restructuring:** This type of restructuring focuses on changing a company's structure, such as by merging with another company, spinning off a division, or selling assets.

Restructuring can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also be a very effective way to improve a company's performance. If done correctly, restructuring can help a company to become more profitable, competitive, and sustainable in the long term.

Here are some of the key benefits of restructuring:

* Improved financial health: Restructuring can help a company to reduce debt, cut costs, and raise capital. This can improve its financial health and make it more sustainable in the long term.
* Increased efficiency: Restructuring can help a company to streamline its operations and reduce waste. This can improve its efficiency and make it more competitive.
* Enhanced competitiveness: Restructuring can help a company to improve its products or services, enter new markets, or expand its operations. This can make it more competitive and help it to grow in the long term.

Of course, restructuring can also have some challenges. For example, it can be disruptive to employees and customers, and it can take time for the company to realize the benefits of restructuring. However, if done correctly, the benefits of restructuring can outweigh the challenges.

If you are considering restructuring your company, it is important to carefully consider all of the potential benefits and challenges. You should also work with experienced professionals to help you develop and implement a successful restructuring plan.

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