Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)

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Definition of 'Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)'

Revenue per available room (RevPAR) is a hotel performance metric that measures the average revenue generated per available room per day. It is calculated by dividing a hotel's total revenue by the number of available rooms.

RevPAR is a key metric for hotel owners and managers because it provides a measure of how efficiently a hotel is operating. A high RevPAR indicates that a hotel is generating a lot of revenue from its available rooms, while a low RevPAR indicates that the hotel is not generating as much revenue as it could be.

There are a number of factors that can affect a hotel's RevPAR, including:

* Location: Hotels in popular tourist destinations typically have higher RevPARs than hotels in less popular destinations.
* Amenities: Hotels with more amenities, such as a pool, fitness center, and restaurant, typically have higher RevPARs than hotels with fewer amenities.
* Pricing: Hotels that charge higher rates typically have higher RevPARs than hotels that charge lower rates.
* Occupancy: Hotels with higher occupancy rates typically have higher RevPARs than hotels with lower occupancy rates.

RevPAR is a valuable metric for hotel owners and managers because it can help them to track their hotel's performance and identify areas where they can improve. By understanding their hotel's RevPAR, hotel owners and managers can make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and other aspects of their business that can help them to increase their revenue.

In addition to being a key metric for hotel owners and managers, RevPAR is also used by investors to evaluate the performance of hotel companies. A hotel company with a high RevPAR is typically considered to be a more valuable investment than a hotel company with a low RevPAR.

RevPAR is a valuable metric for a variety of stakeholders in the hotel industry. By understanding RevPAR, hotel owners, managers, and investors can make informed decisions that can help them to improve their business.

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