Rival Good

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Definition of 'Rival Good'

A rival good is a good that is consumed by one person and cannot be consumed by another person at the same time. For example, a car is a rival good because if one person is using the car, then no one else can use it at the same time.

Rival goods are in contrast to non-rival goods, which are goods that can be consumed by multiple people at the same time. For example, a song is a non-rival good because multiple people can listen to the same song at the same time.

The concept of rival goods is important in economics because it helps to explain how markets work. In a market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand. The supply of a good is the amount of the good that is available for sale, and the demand for a good is the amount of the good that people want to buy.

The price of a good is determined by the point at which the supply of the good meets the demand for the good. If the supply of a good is greater than the demand for the good, then the price of the good will fall. If the demand for a good is greater than the supply of the good, then the price of the good will rise.

The concept of rival goods is also important in understanding the concept of economic efficiency. Economic efficiency occurs when the economy is producing the maximum amount of output with the minimum amount of input. In a market economy, economic efficiency is achieved when the price of a good is equal to its marginal cost. The marginal cost of a good is the cost of producing one additional unit of the good.

When the price of a good is equal to its marginal cost, then the economy is producing the optimal amount of the good. If the price of a good is less than its marginal cost, then the economy is producing too much of the good. If the price of a good is greater than its marginal cost, then the economy is producing too little of the good.

The concept of rival goods is a fundamental concept in economics. It helps to explain how markets work and how economic efficiency is achieved.

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