Short Covering

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Definition of 'Short Covering'

Short covering is the act of buying back a security that was sold short. This is done in order to close out a short position and realize a profit or loss.

When an investor sells a security short, they are essentially borrowing the security from a broker and agreeing to sell it back at a later date. The investor hopes that the price of the security will fall in the meantime, so that they can buy it back at a lower price and return it to the broker. If the price of the security does fall, the investor will make a profit on the trade. However, if the price of the security rises, the investor will lose money.

Short covering is the opposite of short selling. When an investor short covers, they are buying back the security that they sold short. This can be done for a number of reasons, such as to close out a short position and realize a profit or loss, or to reduce the risk of a short position.

There are a few different ways to short cover a security. One way is to simply buy back the security on the open market. Another way is to use a buy-back agreement, which is a contract between two parties that specifies the terms of the short covering transaction.

Short covering can be a risky strategy, as it is possible to lose more money than was originally invested. However, it can also be a profitable strategy, if the investor is able to correctly predict the direction of the market.

Here are some additional details about short covering:

* Short covering can be done by any investor, regardless of their investment experience or knowledge. However, it is important to understand the risks involved before shorting a security.
* Short covering can be used to hedge a long position in a security. This means that the investor is betting that the price of the security will not fall too much.
* Short covering can also be used to speculate on the price of a security. This means that the investor is betting that the price of the security will fall.
* Short covering can be a profitable strategy, but it is important to understand the risks involved before shorting a security.

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