Step-Up in Basis

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Definition of 'Step-Up in Basis'

A step-up in basis is an increase in the tax basis of an asset, which can occur when an asset is inherited or transferred to another taxpayer. The step-up in basis is equal to the fair market value of the asset on the date of the transfer. This means that the inheritor or transferee will not have to pay taxes on any appreciation in the value of the asset that occurred prior to the transfer.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to step-up in basis. First, the step-up in basis only applies to assets that are transferred by death or certain other types of transfers. Second, the step-up in basis only applies to the cost basis of the asset, not to its fair market value. This means that the inheritor or transferee will still have to pay taxes on any capital gains that are realized when the asset is sold.

Step-up in basis can be a significant tax break, especially for assets that have appreciated significantly in value. For example, if an asset is worth $1 million when it is inherited, the inheritor will not have to pay taxes on the $900,000 of appreciation that occurred prior to the inheritance. This can save the inheritor a significant amount of money in taxes.

However, it is important to note that step-up in basis can also have some negative consequences. For example, if an asset is worth less than its adjusted basis when it is inherited, the inheritor will not be able to claim a loss on the sale of the asset. This can be a significant disadvantage if the asset is sold at a loss.

Overall, step-up in basis is a complex tax concept that can have both positive and negative consequences. It is important to consult with a tax advisor to understand how step-up in basis will affect your specific situation.

Here are some additional details about step-up in basis:

* The step-up in basis is only available for assets that are held by the decedent at the time of death. If an asset is sold or transferred prior to death, the step-up in basis will not apply.
* The step-up in basis is also only available for assets that are included in the decedent's estate for tax purposes. This means that assets that are held in a living trust or other type of estate planning vehicle will not qualify for the step-up in basis.
* The step-up in basis is not available for all types of assets. For example, the step-up in basis does not apply to personal property, such as furniture or clothing.
* The step-up in basis is also not available for certain types of assets, such as collectibles and artwork.

If you have any questions about step-up in basis, please consult with a tax advisor.

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