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Definition of 'Supranational'

A supranational organization is an intergovernmental organization that is composed of representatives from multiple sovereign states. Supranational organizations have the power to make binding decisions on their member states, and they often have their own independent legal personality.

There are many different types of supranational organizations, including:

* International organizations, such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization
* Regional organizations, such as the European Union and the African Union
* Specialized agencies, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

Supranational organizations play an important role in the global governance system. They help to coordinate international cooperation on a variety of issues, and they can provide a forum for resolving disputes between member states.

However, supranational organizations can also be controversial. Some people argue that they are too powerful, and that they infringe on the sovereignty of member states. Others argue that they are essential for addressing global challenges, and that they are more effective than traditional intergovernmental cooperation.

The debate over the role of supranational organizations is likely to continue for many years to come. However, there is no doubt that these organizations play an important role in the global governance system.

Here are some additional details about supranational organizations:

* Supranational organizations are often created by treaty.
* The members of a supranational organization are typically sovereign states.
* Supranational organizations have their own independent legal personality.
* Supranational organizations can make binding decisions on their member states.
* Supranational organizations can have their own budget and staff.
* Supranational organizations can play a variety of roles, including:
* Coordinating international cooperation on a variety of issues
* Providing a forum for resolving disputes between member states
* Setting standards and regulations
* Providing financial assistance
* Promoting human rights

Supranational organizations are a complex and controversial topic. However, there is no doubt that they play an important role in the global governance system.

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