Tax Credit

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Definition of 'Tax Credit'

A tax credit is a sum of money that can be subtracted from the amount of tax owed to the government. Tax credits are often used to encourage certain behaviors, such as investing in renewable energy or buying a home.

There are two main types of tax credits: refundable and non-refundable. Refundable tax credits can be used to reduce the amount of tax owed to zero, and any remaining credit can be refunded to the taxpayer. Non-refundable tax credits can only be used to reduce the amount of tax owed, and any unused credit is lost.

Tax credits are different from tax deductions, which reduce the amount of income that is subject to tax. Tax deductions can be claimed even if the taxpayer does not owe any tax.

Tax credits can be claimed by individuals, businesses, and other entities. The amount of the credit that can be claimed depends on the taxpayer's income, filing status, and other factors.

Tax credits are an important part of the tax system. They can be used to encourage certain behaviors, promote economic growth, and reduce the tax burden on certain taxpayers.

Here are some examples of tax credits:

* The child tax credit is a refundable tax credit that can be claimed for each qualifying child. The amount of the credit depends on the taxpayer's income and filing status.
* The earned income tax credit is a refundable tax credit that is available to low-income workers. The amount of the credit depends on the taxpayer's income, filing status, and number of qualifying children.
* The home mortgage interest deduction is a non-refundable tax deduction that can be claimed for the interest paid on a home mortgage. The amount of the deduction depends on the taxpayer's adjusted gross income.

Tax credits can be a valuable way to reduce your tax bill. If you are eligible for a tax credit, be sure to claim it on your tax return.

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