Tenancy at Sufferance

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Definition of 'Tenancy at Sufferance'

Tenancy at sufferance is a type of tenancy that arises when a tenant continues to occupy a property after the expiration of their lease. The tenant is not considered to be a trespasser, but they do not have the same rights as a tenant with a valid lease.

The landlord may evict the tenant at any time, without giving notice, as long as they do not violate the law. The tenant may also leave the property at any time, but they may be responsible for paying rent until the end of the lease term.

Tenancy at sufferance is often used when a tenant's lease expires and they do not renew it, but they continue to live in the property. The landlord may not want to evict the tenant, as it may be difficult to find a new tenant. The tenant may also not want to leave, as they may not be able to find a new place to live.

Tenancy at sufferance can be a difficult situation for both the landlord and the tenant. The landlord may be concerned about the tenant damaging the property or not paying rent. The tenant may be concerned about being evicted without notice.

If you are a landlord, it is important to understand the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant in a tenancy at sufferance. If you are a tenant, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities so that you can protect yourself.

Here are some additional details about tenancy at sufferance:

* The tenant is not entitled to any of the rights and benefits of a tenant with a valid lease.
* The landlord is not required to provide the tenant with any notice before evicting them.
* The tenant may be responsible for paying rent until the end of the lease term, even if they are evicted.
* The tenant may be able to claim squatter's rights if they occupy the property for a certain period of time.

If you have any questions about tenancy at sufferance, it is important to speak to an attorney.

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