Transfer Payment

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Definition of 'Transfer Payment'

A transfer payment is a payment from one government program to another, or from a government to an individual or business. Transfer payments are not made in exchange for goods or services. They are made to support individuals or businesses in need, or to promote economic growth.

There are two main types of transfer payments:

* **Social insurance payments** are made to individuals who are retired, unemployed, or disabled. These payments are funded by payroll taxes.
* **Other transfer payments** are made to individuals or businesses for a variety of purposes, such as housing assistance, food stamps, and college scholarships. These payments are funded by general tax revenue.

Transfer payments are an important part of the U.S. economy. They help to support those who are in need, and they can promote economic growth. However, transfer payments can also be costly, and they can create a disincentive to work.

Here are some examples of transfer payments:

* Social Security benefits
* Medicare and Medicaid
* Unemployment benefits
* Food stamps
* Housing assistance
* College scholarships

Transfer payments are an important part of the U.S. economy. They help to support those who are in need, and they can promote economic growth. However, transfer payments can also be costly, and they can create a disincentive to work.

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