Triggering Event

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Definition of 'Triggering Event'

A triggering event is an event that causes a contract to be executed or terminated. For example, a triggering event for a life insurance policy might be the death of the insured person. A triggering event for a stock option might be the stock price reaching a certain level.

Triggering events are important because they can have a significant impact on the value of a contract. For example, if a life insurance policy is triggered by the death of the insured person, the beneficiary will receive a payout from the policy. If a stock option is triggered by the stock price reaching a certain level, the option holder will be able to buy the stock at the strike price, which is usually lower than the current market price.

Triggering events can also be used to create complex financial instruments. For example, a credit default swap is a contract that pays out if a certain company defaults on its debt. The triggering event for a credit default swap is the company's default on its debt.

Triggering events are important to understand because they can have a significant impact on the value of financial contracts. It is important to be aware of the triggering events for any financial contracts that you are involved in.

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