Uncle Sam

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Definition of 'Uncle Sam'

Uncle Sam is a colloquial term for the United States government. The term is thought to have originated during the War of 1812, when soldiers were paid with promissory notes that featured a picture of Samuel Wilson, a meatpacker from Troy, New York. The notes were often referred to as "Uncle Sam's notes," and the nickname eventually evolved into the more familiar term "Uncle Sam."

Uncle Sam is often used to represent the government in a humorous or satirical way. For example, a cartoon might depict Uncle Sam as a stern figure with a long white beard, wearing a stars-and-stripes suit and a top hat. He is often depicted as being in charge of everything from the military to the economy.

In recent years, the term "Uncle Sam" has also been used to refer to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This is because the IRS is responsible for collecting taxes from citizens and businesses, and many people view the IRS as a symbol of the government's power.

Overall, the term "Uncle Sam" is a complex and multifaceted one. It can be used to refer to the government in general, to the IRS specifically, or to the United States as a whole. It can also be used in a humorous or satirical way.

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