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Definition of 'Utility'

A utility is a company that provides a service that is essential to the functioning of a modern society. Utilities are typically regulated by the government, and their rates are set by a public utility commission.

There are many different types of utilities, including:

* Electric utilities: These companies provide electricity to homes and businesses.
* Gas utilities: These companies provide natural gas to homes and businesses.
* Water utilities: These companies provide water to homes and businesses.
* Sewer utilities: These companies collect and treat wastewater from homes and businesses.
* Telecommunications utilities: These companies provide telephone, cable, and internet services.

Utilities are important because they provide essential services that people rely on every day. They are also important to the economy, as they provide jobs and contribute to economic growth.

The cost of utilities can vary depending on the type of utility, the location of the customer, and the amount of usage. In general, utilities are more expensive in urban areas than in rural areas.

Utilities are typically regulated by the government to ensure that they provide safe and reliable service at a fair price. The government sets rates for utilities based on a variety of factors, including the cost of providing the service, the need to maintain a healthy profit margin, and the ability of customers to pay.

Utilities are an important part of the modern economy. They provide essential services that people rely on every day, and they contribute to economic growth. The government plays an important role in regulating utilities to ensure that they provide safe, reliable service at a fair price.

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