W-Shaped Recovery

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Definition of 'W-Shaped Recovery'

A W-shaped recovery is a type of economic recovery that occurs after a recession. It is characterized by two periods of growth, separated by a period of contraction. The first period of growth is followed by a recession, which is then followed by a second period of growth.

The W-shaped recovery is often contrasted with the V-shaped recovery, which is a type of economic recovery that occurs after a recession. The V-shaped recovery is characterized by a single period of growth, with no period of contraction.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a W-shaped recovery. These include:

* A sudden and severe economic shock, such as a financial crisis or natural disaster.
* A lack of government intervention to support the economy during the recession.
* A lack of confidence among businesses and consumers.

The W-shaped recovery can have a number of negative consequences for the economy. These include:

* Increased unemployment.
* Lower economic growth.
* Higher inflation.
* Increased social unrest.

The W-shaped recovery can also be difficult to manage for governments and central banks. This is because it is difficult to predict when the recession will end and when the second period of growth will begin.

Despite the challenges, the W-shaped recovery is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be a sign that the economy is resilient and that it is able to bounce back from a recession. Additionally, the W-shaped recovery can help to prevent a more severe economic crisis in the future.

Here are some examples of W-shaped recoveries in history:

* The Great Depression: The Great Depression was a severe economic crisis that began in the United States in the 1930s. The depression lasted for over a decade and caused widespread unemployment, poverty, and social unrest. The economy began to recover in the late 1930s, but it experienced a second recession in the early 1940s. The economy finally began to recover in earnest after the end of World War II.
* The 2008 financial crisis: The 2008 financial crisis was a severe economic crisis that began in the United States in 2007. The crisis was caused by a number of factors, including the collapse of the subprime mortgage market. The economy began to recover in 2009, but it experienced a second recession in 2010. The economy finally began to recover in earnest in 2011.

The W-shaped recovery is a complex phenomenon that can have a number of negative consequences for the economy. However, it can also be a sign that the economy is resilient and that it is able to bounce back from a recession.

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