Wage Push Inflation

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Definition of 'Wage Push Inflation'

Wage push inflation is a type of inflation that occurs when wages rise faster than productivity. This can happen when there is a shortage of workers, which gives workers more bargaining power and allows them to demand higher wages. Wage push inflation can also occur when the government increases the minimum wage.

Wage push inflation can lead to a number of problems, including higher prices, lower economic growth, and unemployment. Higher prices can make it difficult for people to afford goods and services, which can lead to a decrease in demand. This can slow down economic growth and lead to job losses.

Wage push inflation can be difficult to control. The government can try to control wage push inflation by raising interest rates, which makes it more expensive for businesses to borrow money. This can lead to lower investment and job losses. The government can also try to increase the supply of workers by increasing immigration.

Wage push inflation is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The government needs to carefully consider the potential costs and benefits of any policy it adopts to address wage push inflation.

In addition to the problems mentioned above, wage push inflation can also lead to a number of other problems, including:

* Increased inequality: When wages rise faster than productivity, it can lead to a widening gap between the rich and the poor. This is because the rich are more likely to own businesses and investments, which benefit from higher wages. The poor are more likely to work for wages, which do not keep pace with inflation.
* Social unrest: When wages do not keep pace with inflation, it can lead to social unrest. This is because people feel that they are not being paid enough for their work. This can lead to strikes, protests, and other forms of social unrest.

Wage push inflation is a serious problem that can have a number of negative consequences. It is important for the government to carefully consider the potential costs and benefits of any policy it adopts to address wage push inflation.

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