Advance Payment

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Definition of 'Advance Payment'

An advance payment is a sum of money that is paid before the goods or services are delivered. It is also known as a down payment or a deposit. Advance payments are often used in business transactions, where the buyer pays a portion of the purchase price before the goods are shipped or the services are rendered. This can help to ensure that the seller will complete the transaction and that the buyer will receive the goods or services as expected.

There are a few different reasons why a buyer might make an advance payment. First, it can help to secure the goods or services. If the buyer pays a deposit, the seller is more likely to be motivated to complete the transaction, as they will already have some money in hand. Second, an advance payment can help to reduce the risk of non-payment. If the buyer defaults on the payment, the seller can keep the advance payment as compensation. Third, an advance payment can help to finance the transaction. The seller can use the advance payment to cover the costs of production or to purchase the goods or services that will be sold to the buyer.

There are also a few different reasons why a seller might request an advance payment. First, it can help to ensure that the buyer is serious about the transaction. If the buyer is willing to put down money before the goods or services are delivered, it shows that they are committed to the purchase. Second, an advance payment can help to cover the costs of production or to purchase the goods or services that will be sold to the buyer. Third, an advance payment can help to reduce the risk of non-payment. If the buyer defaults on the payment, the seller can keep the advance payment as compensation.

Advance payments can be a useful tool for both buyers and sellers. However, it is important to understand the risks and benefits of making or requesting an advance payment before entering into a transaction.

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