Aggregate Demand

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Definition of 'Aggregate Demand'

Aggregate demand is the total demand for goods and services in an economy at a given time. It is the sum of the demand for all final goods and services by households, businesses, governments, and foreign buyers.

Aggregate demand is a key determinant of economic output and inflation. When aggregate demand increases, businesses produce more goods and services, which leads to higher employment and output. However, if aggregate demand increases too quickly, it can lead to inflation.

Aggregate demand is influenced by a number of factors, including:

* **Income:** As incomes rise, households tend to spend more money on goods and services.
* **Interest rates:** When interest rates are low, it encourages businesses to invest and households to borrow money, which leads to higher spending.
* **Government spending:** Government spending can boost aggregate demand directly by increasing the amount of money in the economy or indirectly by stimulating the economy through investments in infrastructure or other programs.
* **Foreign trade:** When exports increase, it leads to higher aggregate demand. However, when imports increase, it leads to lower aggregate demand.

The aggregate demand curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the price level and the quantity of goods and services demanded in an economy. The aggregate demand curve is downward-sloping, which means that as the price level increases, the quantity of goods and services demanded decreases. This is because when prices are high, consumers have less money to spend on goods and services.

The aggregate demand curve is also affected by expectations about future economic conditions. If consumers expect the economy to grow, they will be more likely to spend money now, which will lead to higher aggregate demand. However, if consumers expect the economy to slow down, they will be less likely to spend money now, which will lead to lower aggregate demand.

Aggregate demand is a key concept in macroeconomics. It is used to explain how changes in aggregate demand can affect economic output, employment, and inflation.

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