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Definition of 'Agribusiness'

Agribusiness is a term used to describe the agricultural industry as a whole. It includes all aspects of food production, from farming and ranching to processing and distribution. Agribusiness is a major economic force in the United States, accounting for over $1 trillion in annual revenue.

The agribusiness industry is complex and diverse. It includes a wide range of businesses, from small family farms to large multinational corporations. The industry is also highly regulated, with a variety of laws and regulations governing everything from food safety to environmental protection.

Despite its complexity, the agribusiness industry is essential to the U.S. economy. It provides jobs for millions of people and generates billions of dollars in revenue. The industry also plays a vital role in feeding the world's population.

The agribusiness industry is facing a number of challenges in the 21st century. These challenges include rising costs, increased competition, and changing consumer preferences. The industry is also facing the effects of climate change, which is making it more difficult to grow crops and raise livestock.

Despite these challenges, the agribusiness industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The global population is growing, and demand for food is increasing. The industry is also expected to benefit from new technologies, such as genetic engineering and precision agriculture.

Agribusiness is a major economic force in the United States. It is a complex and diverse industry that plays a vital role in feeding the world's population. The industry is facing a number of challenges in the 21st century, but it is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

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