Voting and Reputation

Voting and Reputation

Our Day Trading Forum allows you to vote up or down any of the topics or replies that read. This allows our members to rate what they read and show their respect for our fellow traders.

You can only click the up or down arrow once to vote on a post. If you click the arrow again after you've voted it will cancel the vote.

Each vote can be canceled for up to 24 hours after you made it. After that the vote is locked.

You get 20 votes per day. This includes both up and down votes.

It costs you 1 reputation point to cast a down vote. It costs you nothing to cast an up vote.

An up vote will add 10 points to the poster's reputation and a down vote will remove 5 points.

You can only vote if you have 50 or more reputation points. You gain reputation points by making posts that others find useful. Even if these posts are just questions if they are skillful asked you may find others voting up your posts.

Member's reputation scores are shown just below their names on each post and also on their Profiles.

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