I was wondering if we could add the German Dax and German Bunds too for daily weekly pivots and the market profile numbers. Thanks
I believe that the DAX and BUND will be added in the near future. They just want to test the current symbols for a few weeks before adding more to make sure that everything goes smoothly.
Thsnks, also is there a mechanism where one could input a symbol to get all the numbers. I use an excel spreadsheet right now. That would be really great.

Can you give us an example of what you mean?
DT.this is not meant as an insult to the work you do, however, I will point something out, you can take it where you want........I am not super familiar with the Bund, but I have done some work with the Dax and the Stoxx 50..........a lot of this analysis that applies well to the US indices and other commodities, does not apply well to the European indices. One will find that they rarely respect highs and lows/swings, closes, value areas, etc the way the US markets do. There may be reasons for this, possibly the fact that alot of their volume is genereated during early US market hours and the tend to trade along with the US markets and ignore some of their own technicals. It is not to say you can analyze these markets, but you may need to adapt your thinking. I believe that many Dax traders have techniques they use before the US markets open, and then after.........check it out. Feel free to call me a dope if you feel I am mistaken, just a heads up.........
I completely agree that Europe's afternoon session just follows the US session and that the US numbers and targets are more relevant at that time of day. I can't comment on the European morning session and don't know what numbers are most relevant. What we'll probably do is produce these numbers for some European markets and see how they pan out. If they are of no use and nobody is using them then we'll discontinue them. Otherwise if any traders have suggestions for other metrics that might be more useful or relevant to the European indices then perhaps we should add those.
Here's the DAX Future for what it's worth: DAX Index Future June 2007