Collective2: extreme-os

Science Trader has a downloadable spreadsheet from his blog that records the actual trades he took from the extreme-os system on Collective2.

This topic discusses his trades.
Science Trader has an interesting posting in his blog today: extreme-os modifiction where he mentions:

"...I think I might have discovered a rule that outperforms the exits issued by the vendor (taking into account the slippage they generate). I am planning to test this rule on a limited number of trades this week, to see if it works as I expect it to work..."

This adds an interesting dimension to using a Collective2 system as he has done. The entries are apparently easier to get right than the exits and so he is (I am guessing) going to be implementing a "second guessing" part to try and get the trade out at a better level.

Looking forward to seeing the results Science Trader.
There's an update on Science Trader's Blog called End of Portfolio where he states:
As you've probably noticed, my portfolio has not been doing well for almost the entire past 5 months. Despite all my efforts to analyze systems, I have not been able to pick a profitable set of systems. Whereas the S&P500 is almost exactly back to where it was when I started my portfolio, I am sitting on a loss of 13% (excluding the P/L from my various put options to hedge, the loss would be even larger).

The main problems I have encountered can be summarized as follows:
- Technology issues with auto trading (extreme-os)
- Vendor decided to terminate/change system after major losses (Trend Plays #1, Longstoch-ST)

In addition, I was close to signing up for Positive Forex, which completely collapsed shortly thereafter.

Time to move on!
Thanks for the updates Science Trader! Sorry that none of those systems ever worked out for you.