High Probability Turning Points

Detecting High Probability Turning Points Using Volume Spread Analysis
Live event: April 25 @ 3:30 PM Chicago / 4:30 PM Eastern time.
Register now: http://www.hotcomm.com/virmeetCID_ARR.asp?CID=YMDZYQ&MID=525EEZ

Most traders believe there are two ways to look at the market - fundamental analysis and technical analysis. This seminar will introduce traders to a third way - volume spread analysis. Join Todd Krueger of TradeGuider, with a very special appearance by Tom Williams, the creator of Volume Spread Analysis, as they demonstrate how to incorporate Volume Spread Analysis into trading CBOT mini-sized Dow futures. Sponsored by Infinity Brokerage.
An introduction to Volume Spread Analysis.
The benefits of understanding hidden professional buying/selling with volume analysis.
Using mutiple time frames effectively to confirm market direction.
Question and answer session.

About the Speakers

Tom Williams, formerly a very successful US Syndicate Trader. He retired from professional trading at the age of 40, taking up a number of commercial ventures during this period. However, Tom's real ambition was to help traders operate in a more informed way, and this idea formed the basis of his software development company, Genie Software Ltd, 14 years ago. Tom has spent many years refining the signals in his flagship product, VSA (The forerunner to TradeGuider). Apart from his own expertise, the company also relies heavily on customer feedback to enhance and develop its products.

Todd Krueger's interest in investing and trading accelerated after earning his Series 3 license in 1985. His passion for trading has grown immensely over the years and he has invested heavily in educating himself on being a better trader. Todd was a previous customer of VSA and believed so strongly in the power of the software that he purchased a shareholding in TradeGuider Systems, LLC. Out of all the trading courses Todd's taken, and all the trading software packages that he's owned, there is one common denominator that he has learned that is essential to being a profitable trader; your approach to the market must be your own, the approach has to fit your individual personality and trading style.