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Definition of 'Bailout'

A bailout is a financial rescue of an entity (usually a company or government) that is in danger of failing. The term is often used to describe government assistance to failing banks, but it can also refer to help from private investors or other sources.

There are a number of reasons why a company or government might need a bailout. For example, a company might need help if it is facing a sudden drop in sales or if it has too much debt. A government might need help if it is facing a budget deficit or if it is experiencing a natural disaster.

There are a number of different ways that a bailout can be structured. In some cases, the government might provide direct financial assistance to the company or government in need. In other cases, the government might provide guarantees or loans to help the entity borrow money from private investors.

Bailouts are often controversial. Some people believe that they are necessary to prevent economic collapse. Others believe that they are unfair to taxpayers and that they encourage moral hazard.

The decision of whether or not to provide a bailout is a complex one. There are a number of factors that need to be considered, including the size of the entity in need, the potential impact of its failure, and the cost of the bailout.

In recent years, the United States government has provided bailouts to a number of companies, including AIG, Citigroup, and General Motors. These bailouts have been controversial, and there is still debate about whether they were necessary or effective.

The term "bailout" is often used in a negative sense, but it can also be used to describe a successful rescue operation. For example, the U.S. government's bailout of the financial system in 2008 is often credited with preventing a much worse economic crisis.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to provide a bailout is a political one. There is no easy answer, and the decision will always be controversial.

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