Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS)

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Definition of 'Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS)'

The marginal propensity to save (MPS) is the fraction of an additional dollar of income that a consumer saves. It is the slope of the saving function, which is a graph that shows how saving changes as income changes. The MPS is a key concept in macroeconomics, as it helps to determine how changes in income affect consumption and investment.

The MPS is calculated as the change in saving divided by the change in income. For example, if a consumer's income increases by $100 and their saving increases by $50, then their MPS is 0.5.

The MPS is important because it helps to determine how changes in income affect consumption and investment. If the MPS is high, then consumers will save a large portion of their additional income. This will lead to lower consumption and lower economic growth. If the MPS is low, then consumers will spend a large portion of their additional income. This will lead to higher consumption and higher economic growth.

The MPS is also important because it helps to determine the equilibrium level of income in the economy. The equilibrium level of income is the level of income at which saving equals investment. If the MPS is high, then the equilibrium level of income will be high. If the MPS is low, then the equilibrium level of income will be low.

The MPS is a complex concept, but it is an important one for understanding how the economy works. By understanding the MPS, we can better understand how changes in income affect consumption, investment, and economic growth.

In addition to the MPS, there is also a concept called the marginal propensity to consume (MPC). The MPC is the fraction of an additional dollar of income that a consumer spends. The MPC is equal to 1 minus the MPS.

The MPC and the MPS are important because they help to determine how changes in income affect consumption and investment. The MPC is more important than the MPS in determining the level of consumption, while the MPS is more important in determining the level of investment.

The MPS and the MPC are also important because they help to determine the equilibrium level of income in the economy. The equilibrium level of income is the level of income at which saving equals investment. If the MPC is high, then the equilibrium level of income will be high. If the MPC is low, then the equilibrium level of income will be low.

The MPS and the MPC are complex concepts, but they are important for understanding how the economy works. By understanding the MPS and the MPC, we can better understand how changes in income affect consumption, investment, and economic growth.

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