Social Security Number (SSN)

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Definition of 'Social Security Number (SSN)'

A Social Security number (SSN) is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and legal residents for the purpose of tracking their earnings and contributions to the Social Security system. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the federal agency responsible for issuing SSNs.

The first three digits of an SSN represent the state in which the number was issued. The next two digits represent the year of issuance, and the final four digits are a randomly generated number.

SSNs are used to identify individuals for a variety of purposes, including:

* Applying for a job
* Filing taxes
* Receiving Social Security benefits
* Opening a bank account
* Applying for a loan
* Buying a house
* Getting a driver's license

It is important to keep your SSN safe and secure. Never share your SSN with anyone you do not know or trust. Only provide your SSN when it is absolutely necessary, and always protect it with a password or PIN.

If you lose your SSN card, you can request a replacement from the SSA. You will need to provide proof of your identity, such as a driver's license or birth certificate.

The SSA also offers a free service called "My Social Security". This service allows you to view your earnings and benefits history, change your address, and order a replacement SSN card.

For more information about SSNs, please visit the SSA website at

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