Tax Identification Number (TIN)

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Definition of 'Tax Identification Number (TIN)'

A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique number assigned to an individual or business by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The TIN is used to identify taxpayers and track their tax information.

There are two types of TINs: the Social Security number (SSN) and the Employer Identification Number (EIN). The SSN is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. The EIN is a nine-digit number issued to businesses, trusts, and other entities.

Individuals who are required to file a tax return must provide their SSN on the return. Businesses and other entities must provide their EIN on all tax documents they file with the IRS.

The TIN is used by the IRS to track a taxpayer's tax history and to ensure that they are paying the correct amount of taxes. The IRS also uses the TIN to match taxpayers to their tax returns and to issue refunds and notices.

It is important to keep your TIN safe and secure. You should never share your TIN with anyone who you do not trust. If you lose your TIN, you should contact the IRS immediately.

The IRS has a number of resources available to help you understand and use your TIN. You can find these resources on the IRS website.

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