ES short term trading 4-22-10

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1213.00 on the radar..
Originally posted by ak1

So far I can't see any diversion between DOW and SP so tomorrow may be choppy
Notice the naz exceeded its high of the 21st, and the s&p did not! That bodes well for bulls over the next couple days , imho. The reverse would have had me questioning the triangle theory.
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Great call Ak1 wow you nailed it to the tick keep up the good work
I agree...well lets work on getting some explainations ..this would apply to us all. if we don't explain what we are looking at then what would be the point? nice call Ak1
Originally posted by stocksster

Originally posted by ak1

I still think 1207 is possible today

Great call, AK1.
Looks like they stole the trade from us as the overnight low is 97.50 to the tick......

Originally posted by BruceM

It seems that we will have some good zones to target tomorrow/overnight ..the 1200.25 and the 95 - 97.50
Originally posted by redsixspeed

1213.00 on the radar..

SPX hit 1213.42 and we have stalled