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Thanks for all these Roofer. I haven't had much experience with Andrews pitchfork. Cool charts.
Could you describe the ABCD patterns?
If I have understood the concept correctly then an ABCD pattern is an up-down-up pattern or a down-up-down pattern with each of the letters marking an apex including the start and end. The size of the AB move is equal to the size of the CD move. So the CD move is the predictive part which you trade. i.e. once the CD move starts you enter a trade and your target is to the D which can be calculated using the size of the AB. That is the part that has not completed yet.
the ground breaking work that jim has done is to quantify predetermined abcd patterns that break the mold of the old expectations of equality of legs.... much of it is based on fib that simply is not covered by other fib writers. and it is combined with jim's PATTERN LINE FIB trade setup....here is an example of how the1.128, a number jim rigorously derived, is used as the number that stops are run to...

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in response to showing the patterns... jim has two volumes totaling 340 pages showing the patterns and the second volume contains patterns and fib relationships that jim has asked us not to show at public forums...i could not even begin to show his work in a post.
Are you saying that the size of the AB and CD can be calculated ahead of the AB pattern completing based on a fibonacci movement before the AB pattern commences?
ROFLMFAO. How can anyone take this seriously? Another "legitimate" setup to take money out of newbie accounts? I think so. Those who can't do teach.

T Rex
Originally posted by roofer

in response to showing the patterns... jim has two volumes totaling 340 pages showing the patterns and the second volume contains patterns and fib relationships that jim has asked us not to show at public forums...i could not even begin to show his work in a post.

roofer: Only 340 pages of patterns? Doesn't sound like many to me.
I thought he'd at least have a couple of thousand (those must be in the ultra secret "second volume" available to disciples of this self proclaimed guru.) Just curious, what does Jimbo do to earn a living? Draw charts?

T Rex