ES Thursday 4-5-12

gm all.... the numbers i got today are:
1386-87.5 1399-1400.5
1381.25-83 1403-5
1375-77 1409

good luck today

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Thanks for all your input Bruce, it is very helpful, (yes I'm still lurking , but learning as I do) Very warm wishes to all over this long week end........
from Brent.T in Australia....
all out @ 1394 flat. Lunch time...
Nicely done John
nice trade john..bruce you are starting them young..good job too..paul thanks for the stat on gaps..looks like i baited few people to post there thoughts..i thank everyone..if you are wondering if i did any computer took a walk to cool down..more than likely i will sit the day out..

everybody have good weekend
