Neo USD (Crypto)

Trading Metrics calculated at close of trading on 30-Apr-2018
Day Change Summary
Previous Current
27-Apr-2018 30-Apr-2018 Change Change % Previous Week
Open 75.7828 72.9237 -2.8591 -3.8% 77.0051
High 77.7577 94.6410 16.8833 21.7% 84.7282
Low 72.4994 72.0726 -0.4268 -0.6% 68.2815
Close 72.9237 84.2358 11.3121 15.5% 72.9237
Range 5.2583 22.5684 17.3101 329.2% 16.4467
ATR 8.5848 9.5837 0.9988 11.6% 0.0000
Volume 162,201 560,018 397,817 245.3% 1,221,967
Daily Pivots for day following 30-Apr-2018
Classic Woodie Camarilla DeMark
R4 151.3550 140.3638 96.6484
R3 128.7866 117.7954 90.4421
R2 106.2182 106.2182 88.3733
R1 95.2270 95.2270 86.3046 100.7226
PP 83.6498 83.6498 83.6498 86.3976
S1 72.6586 72.6586 82.1670 78.1542
S2 61.0814 61.0814 80.0983
S3 38.5130 50.0902 78.0295
S4 15.9446 27.5218 71.8232
Weekly Pivots for week ending 27-Apr-2018
Classic Woodie Camarilla DeMark
R4 124.6513 115.2342 81.9694
R3 108.2046 98.7875 77.4465
R2 91.7578 91.7578 75.9389
R1 82.3408 82.3408 74.4313 78.8260
PP 75.3111 75.3111 75.3111 73.5537
S1 65.8941 65.8941 71.4161 62.3792
S2 58.8644 58.8644 69.9085
S3 42.4177 49.4474 68.4009
S4 25.9710 33.0006 63.8780
High/Low/Range Statistics
Trading Days High Low Range Range % Average Range Average Range % Close % New High New Low Average Volume
5 94.6410 68.2815 26.3595 31.3% 11.8195 14.0% 61% True False 328,605
10 94.6410 65.4702 29.1708 34.6% 9.0702 10.8% 64% True False 262,743
20 94.6410 44.5578 50.0832 59.5% 7.9445 9.4% 79% True False 260,750
40 114.6901 44.5578 70.1323 83.3% 9.5091 11.3% 57% False False 261,954
60 145.2489 44.5578 100.6911 119.5% 11.8493 14.1% 39% False False 248,887
Crabel Price Patterns
NR False
NR4 False
NR5 False
NR7 False
WS True
WS4 True
WS5 True
WS7 True
ID False
OD True
IDnr4 False
2BNR False
3BNR False
4BNR False
8BNR False
Bear Hook False
Bull Hook False
Stretch 1.3485
Widest range in 38 trading days
Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions
4.250 190.5567
2.618 153.7251
1.618 131.1567
1.000 117.2094
0.618 108.5883
HIGH 94.6410
0.618 86.0199
0.500 83.3568
0.382 80.6937
LOW 72.0726
0.618 58.1253
1.000 49.5042
1.618 35.5569
2.618 12.9885
4.250 -23.8431
Fisher Pivots for day following 30-Apr-2018
Pivot 1 day 3 day
R1 83.9428 83.5070
PP 83.6498 82.7782
S1 83.3568 82.0493

These figures are updated between 7pm and 10pm EST after a trading day.

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