SFE SPI 200 Index Future

I'm looking for a bit of information on the Sydney Futures Exchange and in particular the SFE SPI 200 Index Future.

I have established that similar to the CME futures products it has both a day and overnight session and it is electronically traded.

It appears that the day session runs from 5:10pm to 7am ET i.e. US East Coast which I assume matches about 9am to 4pm in Sydney.

I am guessing that most of the volume happens during this day session. Is this correct? Anybody know the ratio of the day session volume to the overnight volume?

When does this contract rollover and expire? Does it generally follow the same rules as the CME contracts?
Thanks for looking into this "day trading". I live in Australia and currently trade the SFE SPI200, AB and ES. The SPI performs very similarly to the US markets with a couple of exceptions. The volume is significantly less... ie, regularly less that 20000 contracts per day and more often that not has a lunch time that is not worth trading. The index is trading relatively well as our economy is very strong in Aus. Our "day"trading hours are 9.50 am to 4.30 pm AEST for futures trading.. which is equal to 7.50 pm to 2.30am US E.T., the cash market is open 10.00am to 4.00 pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) The main volume IS during the day however you can trade overnight should you chose to. They only close at 4.30pm and reopen at 5.00 pm and also 6.15 am and reopen at 9.50 am for the normal day trading session. I hope this helps, but I would love for you to add the pivots to your site at mypivots. Thanks
They're looking into adding it to the site. What is the ratio of volume between the day and overnight sessions? It's an unusual market as the overnight might be traded by US investors and as such has the risk of having higher volume and therefore significance that the day session.

Also, when does the current AP M7 contract rollover and expire?