Multi - day profiles

Eventually I'd like to kick off a discussion on multi - day profiles....for now here is a composite of the ES that formed during that recent consolidation that began on February 6th....Currently the Es is hitting against the 1357 area as I type in the overnight session. It will be interesting to see what happens from here.

My guess is that the long side is going to take hold but please make any comment you care to. I know some use a fixed amount of days and others will use ranges......I'd like this thread to eventual fiqure out what would be more practical. My hunch is that using a fixed time will NOT be the best way to go but I'm certainly no expert....

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daily IB = 60 miin
weekly IB = 2 days
monthly IB = 5days
Quartly IB = 1 month

I got these figures from the cbot handbook I believe, and have backtested them on the ES and they are very accurate.
I am sorry but I was not clear with my question. I meant to ask how long is each "letter"? In a daily profile each "letter" is 30 mins long and since your IB is 60 mins, typically periods A and B form the IB.

Similarly, on a weekly profile, how long is each "letter"? 60 mins? 2 hours? 4 hours?

I apologize for not knowing the right terminology for the "letter".
Thats okay, the term is TPO. And there the same on the daily as they are on the monthly 30 min per letter. Although I do run a 15 min Market Profile that tends to show the bell shaped faster than the 30min. But my weekly and monthly TPO's are all the same 30 min.
Ah TPO. Thanks Joe. I really appreciate the help. I am trying to study the bonds market, ZB, with MP and am trying to understand your study better as well to see if I see the same things on ZB as you see on ES.

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Here's the action so far today.

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Refer to the last chart and the third chart up from this post. that was fridays trade there identical....

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this is this months profile....

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Missed that one. We were stoped out early on. Something to be noted that the 64-61 had been a floor for the ES for weeks when this level was breeched we quickly sold, and heres the great set up I have been seeeing lots of. How the market tetter totts off of the VAL or the VAH and then breaks in the "C's" any ways the market gave a prime short. This is one of the best set ups I have found. I call it the tetter not so good with names.
Also a faliure to the upside was another range extension to the monthly and weekly profiles that occuied early on in "A"
BUMP for bruce....

Are these what you were talking about? The number one thing I look for is a penetration in the IB within the first hour not after (thats the A and B has to break the resistance or support) and then a break in that direction. Like the first chart the IB broke 3 weeks VAL's and then broke the IB and tanked 40 points, I remember that trade.