leading indicators for ES and SP


Are there any indicators that precede ES and SP by fractions of a second?

Originally posted by moncalisa


Are there any indicators that preceed ES and SP by fractions of a second?


are you freaking kidding me? do you know what ur asking???
Originally posted by moncalisa


Are there any indicators that preceed ES and SP by fractions of a second?



Do you trade on the TOS platform..
Indicators are for confirmation. You do not trade by waiting for the indicator to change and then following the change.
If you have an expectation of what the market will do then you can use an indicator to trade before the indicator changes.

Example: mkt trend down. small rally up to previous R area stoch is overbought. You can go short.
I suppose the question is for indicators not based on the ES / SPX ...

... you can look at the $TICK, you can watch bonds, also look at the dollar index ... to some extend, also look at the DJ INDU and the NDX ... it will certainly take you quite a bit of research to find how any of these can help your trading of ES / SPX.
impossible, market is too random...

Click image for original size

Click image for original size
Chaos ^ 2.0 c
Stochastics is the only indicator that ever leads price. Slide the chart back. This is a realtime chart as I post after hours.
Click image for original size
es 09 10 7222010 5 minstoch
Originally posted by DavidS

Stochastics is the only indicator that ever leads price.

ok... um... your statement does not make any sense...

Definition: Stochastic - (from the Greek στόχος for aim or guess) - a synonym for random - means random or randomly determined. Arising from a process that generates different values each with some probability. Having the attributes of random chance.
When this thread started I thought the poster was questioning whether or not the rumors of Black Boxes that the institutions use to jump in front of their clients orders was true or not.

I did not find any articles on the subject, but I believe that they do indeed exist. I believe that I also heard somewhere that this service was available to others at a price (a very steep one I'm sure}.

In essence these services route the orders to you first before submitting them to the exchange which allows you a nanosecond or two to jump in front of a large order.

Could the poster please explain if this was their original question?
myptofvu- Search for information on "Flash Trading" or "Step-up" order routing.

Here is a good article covering the basic idea of a step up dual market structure.
Originally posted by pt_emini

Originally posted by DavidS

Stochastics is the only indicator that ever leads price.

ok... um... your statement does not make any sense...

Definition: Stochastic - (from the Greek στόχος for aim or guess) - a synonym for random - means random or randomly determined. Arising from a process that generates different values each with some probability. Having the attributes of random chance.

Hi pt,
I answered the question with a fact, and a chart that displayed the fact, concerning an indicator. I'm content to maintain the answer as posted.
The question was not asking for a definition. The question concerned "indicators" that precede the ES and SP by "fractions of a second."
If one looks as directed, it appears to me that the instrument value was preceded for about a 2 hour period by the indicator, at about which time value/price followed the indicator. Precede.

Note: I did not say the indicator was easy to use or always preceded value.
Originally posted by pt_emini

myptofvu- Search for information on "Flash Trading" or "Step-up" order routing.

Here is a good article covering the basic idea of a step up dual market structure.

Thanks for the article PT