ES 1-24-23

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Make sure you review the weekend update also as so far its fairly accurate
Using a tight stop of 7 points..4039
Gotta leave for a bit soon.. so im exiting 4027.(i hope)
Theres another 9 points total in the bank. Have to leave , back by 2:15pm or so .Up 43 handles on the day ( and feeling like i got a little lucky today!
Hard to see how this finishes today. could go as high as 4054 or turn here for a while. I think id rather bet on the longside tho, so i`ll buy 4022 if it gets there
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current ticks
I don't see it going further than 4028-29 if it even does that
Heres why...
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afternoon update
Shows what i know , down to my 4022, remember? Cya tomorrow
PS: heres why we went up so far at the end of the day?
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