ES 12-4-08

GM Traders

Daily PP: 856
Weekly PP: 858.50
POC: 854.50

5m @ 42.75
i hate when your work gets in my way kool!! 66.75 was upper volume zone..nice convergence
Are extension lines from todays range @161.8% 891 with 100% intial balance at same number
theres 74.25 if they extend 77.25
s 73.75...I plan to add up at 78 if needed
We had singles from yesterday 870.75-873.75 that have filled. Above that prior (11/28) singles 873.75-877.25 they are trying to fill. Singles today 854-861.
projects 877.25 unless 867 is touched again (out one at 870.00, plus 3 now up 14.75 and long one from 867)
261.8 = 85.75
covering the other.. never get too greedy!
out at 873.00 wow.. plus 6 there ...and watching to see what happens at 877
if its at 877 or 877.25 at 11:04 ill short one
i sucked today - missed alot of moves but at least i was up