ES 1-9-09

GM Traders
yep top- 2:27
crude is trying to lead equities up
Originally posted by koolblue

ive got 2:27 written down and cant remember why! top?

thats when the Plunge Protection Team comes in!
Thanks kool. I did not take the trade, but it was beautiful. I might become dangerous if I stick around here long...

I found this autorefresher in the net. Will install over weekend.

Now... How do I tell this thing to go to the last page?

hey vo I know you covered this but PDQ is posting " close" stuff too....what time frame is this in reference to..? I know you answered me before so I apologize for the repeat ???
Originally posted by VOwater

close over 96 tells us that indeed we are in a new wave structure up or as Michael Jardine puts it "we have completed a seed wave" (1 & 2)

you know, VO, i think you may be right this could run to 903! still selling 897.50 for a quick bounce tho...
Originally posted by Maria

Thanks kool. I did not take the trade, but it was beautiful. I might become dangerous if I stick around here long...

I found this autorefresher in the net. Will install over weekend.

Now... How do I tell this thing to go to the last page?

dont know! thats why i use mozilla firefox!
1st target 97.50 accomplished
Bruce all times will work because its that pivot off the bottom

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all together now!.... BINGO O/N THE DEADLY 15MIN ....AGAIN!!!
Originally posted by vast524

Prestwick. Are you just reading this by the Dome and the T&S chart?

The singles were from the pit session TPOs. The read on big money net position is from a BAV chart.