ES 12-9-08

GM Traders

Daily PP: 897
POC: 904.50
Weekly PP: 861
Monthly PP: 881

R1: 926.75
S1: 875

15m: 897.50, 891.25
5m: 895.75

np pt....bout to get stopped
took the loser at 13.25
I know there are going to take those 07.50 players but from how high up? trying agin from 14.75....hopefully with more clarity..volume spike will help...I hope..
ym and es spiked..but is it enough?
try have to try for yesterday's high- i am waiting
Originally posted by VOwater

261.8 = 919.25

+50% IB extension = 919.5. singles 918.75-919.25, sq 9 916 first
915.75 stop limit long
cancelling that
this just wedging up....not thrilled ..gott at least get below that little trend line at 12.50

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