ES 12-05-08

GOOD MORNING ALL! Well as you know im not a big fan of longer term forecasts, but i keep getting asked so much that thats why i posted some views the other day on the globex thread and the trading strategies forum. I bring it up not to receive plaudits but because im trying to 'teach' you that the techniques i have shown you here(price proj. and cycles) work on any time frame and in any market for that matter! I have always made good money from the markets but my dream has always been to create an 'army' of traders as skilled (or better!) as i am to level the playing field at this giant casino we call the financial markets. When i made the case for a top in the market tue-wed with 872.50-877 being the prime resistance area im sure most were skeptical, and heck, coming off of the most oversold market in history thats understandable.

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ill go a step further, VO .. if we dont take out that 868 high 5 min saying somewhere around 38 and havnt even looked at the 15 yet
selling one at 866.75, 2 point stop ..sorry bout the late reply, PALMER
In from 62.509 long
COVER!!! its going to 5000!!
Getting close to my 879.50 from AdvGet.
s @ 66.75
1 off 64.75
Welcome to the forum UKtradergirl

These dynamic charts (volume and tick charts) take a little getting used to at first. VO uses a 610 tick chart which matches my volume chart fairly closely.